Re: Why are only 22 year olds . Many Reasons
    Posted by: mm on 5/24/13
    () Comments

    Yes, there is nepotism and they're not all 20 somethings. How about the
    in-laws of admin. or other staff? If the name is different, it's not as
    obvious, but where I live there is a public registry of teachers and it
    shows all name and name changes. Spouses, older kids of staff, you are
    right. But they are certainly there in all age groups.

    On 5/23/13, and then there is the nepotism.... wrote:
    > Clearly not all the 22 year old new grads are hired because there
    > simply are not enough jobs, but mostly the people who are hired seem
    > to be in that category. Maybe this was not the case even a few years
    > ago, but since hundreds of thousands of teachers ha ve been laid off
    > nationwide, employers are more picky. (Can any of you administrators
    > confirm what has been posted on this board that younger teachers are
    > favored because they are cheaper to insure?) We may believe there is
    > age discrimination, but how could anyone prove it? The other day I
    > ran into a first year teacher career changer in the district where I
    > sub. She appeared to be in her thirties. Hmmmm, I thought, that's
    > interesting. I don't normally see that. But then she mentioned that
    > her mom has been teaching for 25 years in the district. Ohhhhhhh, I
    > thought. I see.
    > On 5/23/13, NOT TRUE.. PERIOD!! wrote:
    >> Reality checks:
    >> 1) RIFed teachers MUST LEGALLY be hired first for positions!
    >> 2) Decent principals want experienced teachers not those who
    >> are "single, cheaper, feshly trained and seen as less likely to
    >> be dogmatic implements to change".
    >> 3) Refusing to hire older staff and giving jobs to 22 year olds
    >> because they are "healthier, more energetic, more tech savvy and
    >> cheaper.." is AGE DISCRIMINATION!
    >> 4) In this economy there are many applicants for jobs.. it is
    >> simply not credible that most jobs go to those with the least
    >> experience.
    >> If your district only hires 22-27 year olds, that is a MAJOR red
    >> flag something is not right within the district.
    >> On 5/20/13, mm wrote:
    >>> They are usually single, energetic, optimistic, and healthy.
    >>> They're cheaper. They usually are tech savvy. They are freshly
    >>> trained and seen as less likely to be seen as dogmatic
    >>> impediments to change (i.e. little baggage). I'm a vet and see
    >>> the benefits in experience as well. But, a good mix is needed
    >>> to create a first - rate staff unless the admin thinks that
    >>> they can 'raise' a core staff.
    >>> On 5/19/13, J wrote:
    >>>> getting hired for teaching jobs? Fresh out of college
    >>>> kids. Why?

    Posts on this thread, including this one

  • Why are only 22 year olds , 5/19/13, by J.
  • Re: Why are only 22 year olds . Many Reasons, 5/20/13, by mm.
  • Re: Why are only 22 year olds , 5/21/13, by that is not necessarily true in the district I work in....
  • Re: Why are only 22 year olds . Many Reasons, 5/21/13, by mm, you are overlooking something.
  • Re: Why are only 22 year olds . Many Reasons, 5/21/13, by Judy2/CA.
  • Re: Why are only 22 year olds . Many Reasons, 5/21/13, by OK well, I wasn't overlooking that....
  • Re: Why are only 22 year olds . Many Reasons, 5/21/13, by gain experience in education.
  • Re: Why are only 22 year olds . Many Reasons, 5/23/13, by NOT TRUE.. PERIOD!! .
  • Re: Why are only 22 year olds . Many Reasons, 5/23/13, by and then there is the nepotism.... .
  • Re: Why are only 22 year olds . Many Reasons, 5/24/13, by J.
  • Re: Why are only 22 year olds . Many Reasons, 5/24/13, by mm.
  • Re: Why are only 22 year olds . Many Reasons, 5/24/13, by Consider applying outside of the district and relocating..
  • Re: Why are only 22 year olds . Many Reasons, 5/26/13, by Okay then...
  • Re: Why are only 22 year olds . Many Reasons, 5/26/13, by Poster above..corrections.
  • Re: Why are only 22 year olds . Many Reasons, 5/27/13, by J.
  • Re: Why are only 22 year olds , 6/04/13, by J.