Post: A principal with integrity


    Posted on 5/18/13
    () Comments

    You are correct. There are principals and superintendents
    with integrity who would not treat any teacher who has
    excellent results and tenure in such a manner but the fact
    does exist that it does happen....when the money is tight,
    nepotism plays a stronger role and add in the political
    factor, things happen that should not happen. I guess the
    administrator just needs to ask themselves, "Would I treat a
    member of my own family in the same manner?" If they answer,
    "No", then they should not treat others in such a manner.
    However, some do and that is why the teaching environment is
    sometimes a hostile environment. If you have good
    connections, you SEE no problem but some teachers have their
    eyes half open and what they see is that some administrators
    have let power go straight to their head.

    Posts on this thread, including this one

  • A principal with integrity , 5/18/13, by Anne.