Post: Reason why principal won't get rid of difficult teachers


    Posted on 6/08/13
    () Comments

    I would like to get an administrator's perspective about
    our situation at work. We have two teachers at our school
    who are causing a lot of trouble but our principal won't
    get rid of them. They both gossip tremendously, complain
    about everything, and are causing a lot of division in our
    teams. They are also mediocre classroom teachers without
    classroom management and inability to collaborate with our
    special education department.

    The principal won't get rid of them because one teacher led
    a team of students to win first place in a regional science
    competition taking the students to the nationals. The other
    teacher has great connections with theater programs and
    puts together decent plays.

    Are these accomplishments worth putting up with these two
    teachers who cause so much problems? By the way, both are
    new teachers and can be fired without reason.

    Posts on this thread, including this one

  • Reason why principal won't get rid of difficult teachers, 6/08/13, by anon.
  • Re: Reason why principal won't get rid of difficult teachers, 6/08/13, by what you post doesn't quite add up.
  • Re: Reason why principal won't get rid of difficult teachers, 6/09/13, by hst.
  • Re: Reason why principal won't get rid of difficult teachers, 6/09/13, by anon.
  • Re: Reason why principal won't get rid of difficult teachers, 6/09/13, by anon.
  • Re: Reason why principal won't get rid of difficult teachers, 6/10/13, by Chuck.