Post: How to Cultivate a Positive & Effective School Culture
    Posted by: Teachers.Net Gazette on 8/27/13
    () Comments

    Here you go:

    How to Cultivate a Positive & Effective School Culture - 4
    special articles!

    "The culture of a school is a powerful tool for shaping the
    behavior of those who work there because it reflects the
    important values and underlying assumptions of that school.
    Culture is a powerful set of rituals, traditions, and
    practices that are often transmitted without question from
    generation to generation. Let’s look at four tools that can
    help you encourage a culture of growth in your school." From
    the article, "Shaping the Culture of Your School: Four Tools
    for Leaders" by Barbara R. Blackburn and Ron Williamson

    AND 3 additional articles that will help you and your
    faculty develop a more positive and effective school culture:

    How a Principal Creates a Culture of Consistency
    The Success of a Culture of Consistency
    Building a Positive School Culture

    On your first day back with students, may each and every
    educator reading this feel the power and potential with
    which you're entrusted: To BE THE CHANGE in every student's
    (hyperlink below)

    How to Cultivate a Positive & Effective School Culture - Read, then share!

    Posts on this thread, including this one

  • How to Cultivate a Positive & Effective School Culture, 8/27/13, by Teachers.Net Gazette.
  • Re: How to Cultivate a Positive & Effective School Culture, 9/13/13, by USA.