Re: administrator not answering emails
    Posted by: agree with Certainly Not on 11/03/13
    () Comments

    Certainly Not had a great response. Can you give us a couple of
    examples of your email questions to your principal?

    On 10/29/13, Certainly not wrote:

    > I am a principal and I will tell you that in any given day I

    > may have 75-100 emails to answer. First priority is anything

    > sent by a central office administrator (let's be honest - I

    > like my job and want to keep it). Secondly I answer parents.

    > Some of those emails require full investigations.

    > At the same time, I am having students delivered to me who

    > fought on the playground or were defiant to their teachers -

    > those require investigations and consequences to be assigned.

    > I have to talk to all involved.

    > Next I have teachers with major concerns and those with minor

    > ones. I try to address the majors first which means I don't

    > always get to the minors.


    > In the middle of that I am handling recess issues,

    > transportation issues, building issues, complaints

    > from "neighbors" to the school, Board members (I stop

    > everything when they visit), teacher evaluations, IEP

    > meetings...the list goes on and on


    > If I had a teacher who was upset or offended that I didn't

    > answer an email, I would probably just tell them that I am

    > sorry and to please feel free to bug me. Have you tried

    > talking to your supervisor?


    > There are some emails I don't answer because: 1. I have

    > already answered the question in a previous email.

    > 2. I have had so many emails on the same topic from the same

    > person that I figure that it would be much easier to have a

    > conversation.

    > 3. My answer is complex and I figure that it would be much

    > easier to have a conversation.

    > 4. I don't trust you and think you might forward my email

    > without permission.

    > 5. It just annoys me (I'm being real here)...for example if a

    > teacher points out a problem with the schedule I have tried to

    > fix for 7 days straight and I put out an email with the

    > words "final schedule" and then they email me with a schedule

    > concern which is more about their own personal preference and

    > is not really a problem, I do sometimes just ignore it.

    > Are your emails about something your principal already

    > discussed with you? Do you already know the answer or can you

    > find out from someone else?

    > Try to think outside the box. I would be concerned about a

    > teacher who took things personally that weren't personal like

    > not returning an email.

    Posts on this thread, including this one

  • administrator not answering emails, 10/24/13, by Grace.
  • Re: administrator not answering emails, 10/29/13, by Certainly not.
  • Re: administrator not answering emails, 11/03/13, by agree with Certainly Not.
  • Re: administrator not answering emails, 12/08/13, by but....