Post: Were you in a leadership position before you became an AP??
    Posted by: Wondering in Florida... on 12/03/13
    () Comments

    I am about to finish my Ed. Leadership certification, so
    I'll be able to apply to the administrative pool next
    month. I'm hearing from some administrators that it IS
    possible to make the leap from classroom teacher to AP, but
    that it is far more common for one to hold another type of
    leadership position first.

    I am not sure whether or not I should remain in my current
    teaching position while applying to the pool. I'm leaning
    towards applying for other positions such as administrative
    dean, curriculum resource teacher, instructional coach,
    etc.. At this point, I will have everything "on paper" in
    terms of qualifications, but I may be passed over due to
    lack of experience.

    I would appreciate it if you would share a few words about
    your journey.

    Thank you!

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  • Were you in a leadership position before you became an AP??, 12/03/13, by Wondering in Florida....
  • Re: Were you in a leadership position before you became an A, 12/06/13, by ILadmin.
  • Re: Were you in a leadership position before you became an A, 12/08/13, by Wondering in Florida.
  • Re: Were you in a leadership position before you became an A, 12/18/13, by HS Admin.
  • Re: Were you in a leadership position before you became an A, 12/21/13, by lynne.