Re: Great leaders unify. Poor leaders divide.

    Sarah Stolfi

    Posted on 12/27/13
    () Comments

    On 12/08/13, Agree or Disagree? wrote:
    > I have had principals who discouraged faculty from getting
    > together in frequent faculty meetings, across-grade-level
    > meetings, or other types of groupings for fear that they
    > would become too unified and then rebel. Then I've had
    > others who made time for teachers to be together and
    > rearranged everything from schedules to furniture to
    > encourage conversation among faculty. I recently heard
    > someone say that a good leaders will always encourage his
    > staff to become united, and that only a weak leader would
    > fear the power of a united faculty. What do you think?
    This is a very interesting scenario. For starters, a
    positive work climate is established when staff feels
    supported by their administration and time is allowed for
    collaboration. I believe that teachers, faculty, and all
    stakeholders should be allowed to collaborate. There needs
    to be an appropriate amount of cross grade level and faculty
    meetings to get the "business" of education done. An
    administrator should not discourage a meeting that is
    productive and effective. I certainly do not want to make
    assumptions about the climate or culture of your building,
    but is it possible that your building leadership is missing
    the value of frequent faculty meetings? It appears that the
    administration may not see the meetings as productive. If
    the faculty is not providing the administration with the
    agendas, minutes, outcomes and an invitation to the meetings
    being held (for record keeping), then the administration may
    perceive the teachers are united against them. This can
    directly result in distrust of the faculty. The
    administration cannot disagree with a meeting that is held
    to promote student success, has a productive outcome and is
    inclusive. I have attended meetings that are disorganized,
    and have quickly turned into blame/complain and
    socialization sessions. In the school where I teach, we
    have established a professional learning community model
    where teachers and administrators have more productive face
    time with each other. Each faculty member is assigned to an
    interest group related to our school's theme or their
    classroom teaching content. We are also assigned to content
    and grade level data teams, as well. This has virtually
    reduced our need for full school faculty meetings. Now we
    meet in smaller groups and report out to the whole school.
    This has increased our ability to handle school and student
    issues timely and effectively. As a school this has
    certainly changed our culture and most of our teachers say the
    climate has improved also. Therefore, instead of a monthly
    faculty meeting we now utilize this time to hold professional
    development seminars where teachers share and discuss
    educational trends and effective teaching strategies. This has
    created an environment where there are performance gains for

    Posts on this thread, including this one

  • Great leaders unify. Poor leaders divide. , 12/08/13, by Agree or Disagree?.
  • Re: Great leaders unify. Poor leaders divide. , 12/27/13, by Sarah Stolfi .