On 1/31/15, lynne wrote:
> On 1/31/15, Jennifer wrote:
>> Any teacher can tell me:
>> What is the relationship between lunacy and leadership?
>> Thanks in advance.
If you're interested in actual psychological disorders, there's
an interesting book called A First-Rate Madness that
contends that some of our greatest leaders suffered from
psychological disorders. It even goes so far as saying that
the effects of those disorders was actually the thing that
made them great. There's Lincoln's depression and
TedTurner's bipolar phases. He even talks of the limitations of
those without any disorder as hindering their ability to lead.
Very interesting book.
I've also read articles on the internet about the link between
success and narcissistic personality disorder, that such
people are pushed by their insecurities to singlemindedly
chase external success because of the emptiness inside.
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