Re: Leadership Team
    Posted by: Cindy on 5/10/15
    () Comments

    On 4/30/15, storrsb wrote:
    > On 4/24/15, lynne wrote:
    >> On 4/08/15, Darla wrote:
    >>> How many people should be on a leadership team at a school?
    >> How do
    >>> you decide who to put in leadership team?
    >> It depends on the purpose and responsibilities of the
    >> leadership team, and on the size of the school - there is no
    >> one answer, since each school has different needs. As for
    >> deciding who to put on the team, again this depends on the
    >> purpose and responsibilities. Some may be created from an
    >> existing group - department heads for example; some may be
    >> elected by peers; some may be selected by the principal or
    >> designee based on expertise or experience or training, etc.
    > I have to agree with lynne regarding this question. As an
    > aspiring administrator I think the size of the leadership
    > does depend on the function/purpose of it. To staff this
    > leadership team I would consider what the purpose of the team
    > for and then look for willing candidates from a collection of
    > individuals I think would serve well. Knowing what the leader
    > will have to do and finding individuals that match up with
    > responsibility is imperative. The leaders that served well in
    > certain committees may not serve well in others and this
    > to considered. I would also make sure I thoroughly discussed
    > the purpose of the committee and the leader's role with them
    > that there was not confusion regarding expectations.

    This is my first year serving on a Leadership Team and it has
    been an invaluable experience. Although I have been a school
    counselor for 10+ years, this is my first year at this
    particular school. Serving on this committee quickly afforded
    me the chance to learn the policies and procedures of the
    school. As a member of the Leadership Team, I have an
    opportunity to advocate for my students. School counselors
    often have a direct line to the students' "inside scoop" as
    well as having their finger on the pulse of the goings on in
    and out of the school. I feel strongly school counselors
    should be on their school's leadership team, whether or not
    they are an administrator.

    Posts on this thread, including this one

  • Leadership Team, 4/08/15, by Darla.
  • Re: Leadership Team, 4/24/15, by lynne.
  • Re: Leadership Team, 4/30/15, by storrsb.
  • Re: Leadership Team, 5/10/15, by Cindy.
  • Re: Leadership Team, 5/14/15, by storrsb.