Post: Questions about your experience working with librarians

    Erica Walton

    Posted on 11/23/16
    () Comments

    Hello, I am in need of an administrator willing to answer
    the following questions for me for purposes of a grad
    school assignment. Thank you!

    1. As a principal, what do you believe the school
    librarian’s role in teaching and learning is?

    2. As a principal, what do you believe the role of the
    school librarian is in promoting literacy and reading?

    3. How do you expect school librarians to help students to
    build life long-learning skills?

    4. What tips do you have for school librarians in regards
    to communicating with principals?

    5. During your time as an administrator what are some of
    the most effective strategies/programs that you have seen
    enacted on your campus' library?

    Posts on this thread, including this one

  • Questions about your experience working with librarians, 11/23/16, by Erica Walton.
  • Re: Questions about your experience working with librarians, 11/24/16, by Landparent.