At several of the schools that I have taught at lack of follow
through regarding discplince by administration was seen as a
major problem. From my experience what works best is when
there is a consistent discpline policy that is applied fairly
by all teachers and staff to all students. I have also found
that by recognizing positive student behaviors and quickly and
consistently redirecting negative behaviors has been very
On 6/21/13, stressedteacher wrote:
> What are administrators reasons for not supporting teachers
> with discipline? I had several children with severe
> behavior problems last year but the principal acted like it
> was all my fault and I should be able to fix the children.
> I had one child who would arrive in the morning and start
> screaming at me as he walked in the door before he had even
> spent 5 minutes in my classroom. I also had students
> swearing at me. I certainly did not teach them those words
> so how is it my fault that their parents use these words in
> front of them? I had children who hit me and one who tried
> to throw a chair at me.
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