Re: What is the transfer process for school staff?
    Posted by: cm on 9/09/13
    () Comments

    There is a huge variance depending on jurisdictions and
    districts. In our area, you apply for a transfer list
    placement in the spring and it goes to the places you specify
    on your list, usually specific schools. Obviously, the
    principals see all the list as they see those who want to
    transfer to their school. Obviously, principals know each
    other and talk (especially informally). Naturally, a principal
    has to vet potential transfers for good matches. We do not
    have any guarantees that there will be a transfer granted.
    And, sometimes you can get a transfer, but end up being bumped
    out of the position to another school due to the staffing
    process which is based on seniority. And, some principals
    don't like taking older staff as that staff member usually has
    more seniority than younger ones which he/she might want to

    On 9/06/13, KinderKitties wrote:
    > When a staff member wants to make an Internal transfer
    > within the district who views the transfer application?
    > If its a paraprofessional (non certified staff of any kind)
    > who makes the decision? Will your current Principal see the
    > request or just the Principal of the school you want to
    > transfer to, along with the HR dept?
    > Thank you so much :)

    Posts on this thread, including this one

  • What is the transfer process for school staff? , 9/06/13, by KinderKitties.
  • Re: What is the transfer process for school staff? , 9/07/13, by Teacher.
  • Re: What is the transfer process for school staff? , 9/08/13, by Thats what i am afraid of............
  • Re: What is the transfer process for school staff? , 9/09/13, by cm.
  • Re: What is the transfer process for school staff? , 9/23/13, by I just found out!!!!!!.