With so much emphasis being placed on providing more "rigor" in
the classrooms, one should infer that students will not be able to
achieve this in a schedule that includes 8, or even 7 periods per
day. Rigor is not necessarily the content that teachers are
providing, but the end result that students are getting to....and
this takes time! If there are more periods in a day, then they are
clearly shorter periods. This will not allow enough time for
teachers to foster deep discussion and encourage critical thinking
about learning content. Students (and teachers) need less periods
per day, so that students are more likely to delve deeper into the
lessons, and thus insightful learning, and "rigor" will likely ensue.
On 3/12/15, Even 7 is too many.. wrote:
> 8 periods is insane, because the classes are too short to
> do anything; kids in high school don't need to take 8
> classes, either..that is expecting too much work from them.
> On 10/31/14, Renee Clemmons wrote:
>> Advice please! I need a list of pros and cons on the
> topic of
>> 7 periods a day versus 8 periods a day.
>> Pros/Cons for teachers
>> Pros/Cons for students
>> My district is looking into moving to 8 periods a day.
>> Thanks in advance!!
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