I retired after 30 years as a Speech teacher. I was tired
and didn't have the stamina or patience I used to have. I
worked all those 30 years without a break as I worked every
summer as well. I was, in a sense, burned out. The
word "retire" was never in my vocabulary and I hadn't
planned to retire but my family persuaded me to make the
move. I miss it terribly. I should have taken a leave of
absence but hindsight is 20-20. I have been substituting
and my energy is back. My creative juices are flowing
again. I'm happy. My point: There will be a Speech
position available in the school in which I've been
subbing. I plan to apply but don't know what to say about
my reason for retiring. If I say I was tired and burned
out the principal may think that I made the right decision
to retire and think that I'm still lacking the energy to
teach again. If I say that I wasn't ready to retire and
made the wrong decision, the principal may think that I
can't make decisions and that I may not stay in the
position if hired. Either way I look bad. What do you
suggest I say when asked why I retired? Also, I'm
65...a "young" 65. I always planned to retire at 90 with a
piece of chalk in my hand (lol); if I am hired I would
hopefully stay at least 10 years. Also, I'm wondering what
your thoughts are on hiring older teachers. Teaching a
small group of students in a Speech class is much different
than teaching a classroom of 25 students. Thank you!
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