Post: PT Teacher didn't get FT position
    Posted by: Charity on 4/23/15
    () Comments

    This is my 1st year teaching my specialty in my current
    district in a .5 position. One of the other teachers in my
    department retired so interviews were conducted, but I did
    not get the position. My observations were excellent, I had
    letters of recommendation from the retiring teacher (my
    dept. head and my mentor teacher) and two of my colleagues
    were on the interview committee! Admittedly, my interview
    was less than stellar, but I have proven my value in the
    other capacities to the district. I feel insulted and it's
    like a slap in the face, not to mention it's a little
    embarrassing! Am I being too sensitive or...? Thanks.

    Posts on this thread, including this one

  • PT Teacher didn't get FT position, 4/23/15, by Charity.
  • Re: PT Teacher didn't get FT position, 4/24/15, by lynne.