Re: HS Cafeteria Lunch Question
    Posted by: Nicole on 9/28/13
    () Comments

    On 9/20/13, lynne wrote:
    > Ours is pretty much the same as Susan's. Students have a card which
    > they use to pay for lunch and parents can put money in the account.
    > (Also we have a high percentage of students who qualify for
    > free/reduced price lunch, this is the reason for the cards... others
    > cannot tell who is paying or has reduced price since everyone has
    > the same card).

    Our school does this as well, but sometimes parents will bring money
    for students if they are in athletics or cheer and have an out of town
    game and 'forgot' to get their money in the morning. Also, parents
    drop off goodie bags for football players at the front office.

    > Occasionally a club will order a pizza and it is handled by the
    > student activities office. If a parent drops off something (food or
    > otherwise) it also goes to the student activities office and the
    > student is sent a note/pass to class with instructions to pick it up
    > between classes or some other non-disruptive time (not during
    > class). But no, we do have parents dropping off food all the time!

    We do not have a student activities office, unfortunately. And this is
    adds to our receptionist's job. She is amazing, but there are limits:)

    >> In my school, we do not accept food deliveries. Student lunch
    >> payments are via an account which is accessible electronically.
    >> The parents can put money into the student's account at any time,
    >> 24/7. We also accept cash if the student brings that in, but
    >> calling students out of class to get lunch money is not a usual
    >> practice.

    Smart and I have passed this along to other admin!

    >>> If you reread your question posed, I think you will have the
    >>> answer.

    Sorry, I am confused by this.

    Since when is a Front Office a pizza delivery
    >>> service!! And most high school students can survive a day
    >>> without lunch money by bumming it off their friends.

    I totally agree!

    >>> A more important question would be why the administration even
    >>> considered dealing with the first question?

    Because it is part of my job to come up with solutions:)

    In our area high
    >>> school seniors can leave campus at lunch time so returning on
    >>> time or not might be a relevant question.

    We have a closed campus.

    Thanks everyone for your input!!! It is always beneficial to see how
    others approach management at their schools.

    Posts on this thread, including this one

  • HS Cafeteria Lunch Question, 9/15/13, by Nicole.
  • Re: HS Cafeteria Lunch Question, 9/16/13, by VA Parent.
  • Re: HS Cafeteria Lunch Question, 9/18/13, by Susan .
  • Re: HS Cafeteria Lunch Question, 9/20/13, by lynne.
  • Re: HS Cafeteria Lunch Question, 9/28/13, by Nicole.