Re: Learning Walk
    Posted by: Patrick Canning on 5/23/14
    () Comments

    We too use learning walks to improve teaching and learning. Our
    problem of practice is an area of focus that is a school wide
    goal or expectation such as employing the pedagogical approach
    of student centered learning, using higher order thinking
    questions, or utilizing technology to enhance our students'
    learning experience. While I understand the notion of revisiting
    the same classes looking for evidence of incorporating whatever
    problem of practice is established, I would caution you that
    teachers who are revisited may begin to see this initiative as
    evaluative, rather than an informal way to gain a snapshot of
    teaching and learning meant to inform future instruction. I
    would suggest offering all staff professional development
    directly tied to the problem of practice based on the data
    collected. Then conduct another walk, visiting different
    classrooms. Based on the data collected regarding the problem of
    practice, you may find a need to offer further professional
    development. Furthermore, by visiting other classrooms, you have
    an opportunity to assess the effectiveness of the professional
    development offered in addition to having a larger sampling that
    more wholly represents teaching and learning school wide as
    opposed to a select number of classrooms. Thoughts?
    On 5/07/14, ElizabethC wrote:
    > On 4/14/14, Bryan wrote:
    >> I recently ran a learning walk focusing on looking for
    >> higher order questioning. The classrooms I observed were
    >> all recall questioning. After sharing the data and
    >> developing a plan, do you think it is appropriate to go
    >> into the same classrooms with the same problem of practice,
    >> or should it continue to be a whole school focus?
    > Higher order questioning is, or should be, a goal of every
    > teacher. If every classroom that you observed appeared to be
    > on a lower level of the taxonomy, there is a systemic problem
    > in your school. We meet children where they are, and
    > sometimes the skills are at a low level, so basic
    > understanding and gathering of knowledge takes precedence over
    > more advanced questioning initially. Learning walks should
    > involve the whole school because the whole school needs to get
    > on board. A school is only as strong as it's weakest member.
    > In your case, maybe you have more than you thought. In order
    > to really reach those teachers, maybe you should take them
    > with you into the classroom of a teacher who is eliciting
    > higher order responses from the students, rather than
    > continuing to observe them. Leading through example is a
    > positive means of sharing information and influencing better
    > teaching practices.

    Posts on this thread, including this one

  • Learning Walk, 4/14/14, by Bryan .
  • Re: Learning Walk, 4/14/14, by Kaitlin.
  • Re: Learning Walk, 4/14/14, by Bryan .
  • Re: Learning Walk, 4/14/14, by Bryan.
  • Re: Learning Walk, 4/14/14, by Kaitlin.
  • Re: Learning Walk, 5/07/14, by ElizabethC.
  • Re: Learning Walk, 5/23/14, by Patrick Canning.