To make a long story short, one of my grades went away on a
class trip. One of the students did not go on the trip. Th
is particular student did not come to school that day. Whil
e on the trip, two separate students texted her, one telling
her that lots of people were saying that she( the girl not
on the trip) was saying bad things about the girl doing the
texting, and another saying that nobody liked her, that she
was two faced. This upset the girl who came in with her mot
her to complain. I took down the information and decided to
put a stop to this. I called both numbers that were textin
g the girl. I left a simple message not to text the other s
tudent again as it could be considered bullying. I spoke wi
th the second student and said the same thing. I realize th
at a Principal should not be calling a student's cell phone,
but the student was very upset and I made a decision to put
a stop to it. Was I wrong to do this? Should I have follo
wed policy and not called? I feared the student was startin
g to get more upset as she had us conduct a bully investigat
ion the previous week. I welcome any input as I can acknowl
edge I broke policy, but felt I was justified in doing so.
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