Sorry, but I disagree with the other posters. I do think this
could potentially be a problem for you. These days all schools
should have a bullying response plan that all staff are
expected to activate should there be a whiff of bullying. This
would include cyberbullying (texting). The communications
between the girls may or may not meet the criteria for
cyberbullying, but an administrator doesn't decide that until
after conducting a comprehensive inquiry. Your handling of this
situation in an informal manner could open you up to a failure
to follow school district policy complaint. I agree that it
would appear that you intervened in good faith, but the
response from Central Admin could be to support you, but also
may be problematic if failure to respond is considered a
serious breach in your district. If something does come of this
my advice would be to stay focused on your interest in
supporting all 3 of the girls, which is why you responded in
this informal manner. I wish you the best.
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