A bit difficult to follow the original post with so many "A
said that B said that C"... but this is what I got:
1. A principal called two AP's "vindictive".
2. That same principal said she has no friends.
3. That same principal said she could get rid of teachers she
doesn't like.
4. A teacher and a secretary said that one of the AP's is
giving good evals in exchange for "good words" (to whom?)
about the AP.
5. That same secretary told a teacher that she had told an
investigator that insurance was being sold at the school (for
what? to students or employees? by whom?)
6. That same secretary has said that if admin bothers her she
will "take them down".
7. A parent said that a teacher in the dual language program
is not teaching in Spanish.
8. A non-Latino child is in a dual language program (what's
the problem there? in many dual immersion programs that would
be highly encouraged)
9. A smart child was moved from one class to another. (again,
the issue here isn't clear)
10. The teachers' association did not share its email address
with a teacher.
Are you a current employee at this school? You mention
mostly "former" parents, your "former" class, etc. You gave
us a link in your second message to look up which states
allow recording, but you never said which state you're in, so
I'm not sure how that helps.
I doubt that the rumor mill and second- or third-hand info
can be trusted. It sounds as though this school has a lot of
rumors and personality clashes. That can be a major problem,
but what you are asking here, or wanting to do, isn't clear.
On 2/10/15, Absolutely Appalled wrote:
> There is a recording that Teacher A has (Teacher A recorded
Principal B
> when she was called to the office) where Principal B
basically tells all. She
> admits that Assistant Principal C and Assistant Principal D
are vindictive.
> She says that if we don't like you (teachers), we can get
rid of you.
> Principal B says that she has no friends. She knows
Assistant Principal C
> and Assistant Principal D would not stand up for her if the
> require. She knows her so-called friends were the ones who
leaked the
> information to Teacher E and Teacher A.
> Anyway, Teacher E listened to this recording. I would like
to use it for my
> benefit too. Teacher E is saying that Teacher A would give
it to Investigator
> F. Investigator F wrote me that he is on vacation until
> Is there somewhere else this recording can go? Chief
Investigator G is pro
> administration. Teacher A doesn't talk to me directly
either. She is afraid of
> the administration.
> Meanwhile, Assistant Principal C is trying to trade issuing
good observation
> reports for good words about her. Assistant Principal C
wants staff
> members to state that she has been supportive. She went to
Teacher H,
> who is nontenured, and made some deal with her. Teacher H
went for it as
> she is up for tenure. So, Teacher H sold out as well.
Assistant Principal C
> evidently was going to give Teacher H a bad informal
observation report,
> but said she wanted to see her after school and off school
> Teacher H went for it. Teacher I, who does not have tenure
and is jealous,
> probably was the one who told that Assistant Principal C
made some
> corrupt deal. She, at least, told Teacher A. Secretary J
confirmed it.
> Also, I am not sure if Investigator F was at the school
exactly twice. I
> believe it was, at least, twice. Secretary J said that it
was two women who
> talked to the secretaries. The two women asked if Assistant
Principal C
> sold insurance at the school. Secretary J said that it was
true. Secretary J
> hates the administration and won some case against them
years ago. She
> has told the administration that if they ever bother her
again, she will take
> them down. However, I have few people willing to talk.
> I spoke to one of my former parents from the Dual Language
program over
> the weekend. The mother indicated that she is upset.
Teacher K is not
> teaching in Spanish. Also, they moved some problematic
child from
> Teacher H's class to Teacher K's class. The child is not
Latino so he
> doesn't really belong in a Dual Language program class. He
is bothering
> all the other children. A really smart child from my former
class was
> transferred to Teacher H's class probably because of
complaints that there Union never told me about the fact that
they had set up an email
> address for the reporting of harassment.
> is not a Dual Language program anyway.
> I will ask Teacher L if there is something that he suggests
that I can make
> happen with parents.
> Also, the
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